Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Pearson.Prentice Hall.Brilliant HTML and CSS.2009

Book Details:
By James Brannan
Apr 2009, Paperback, 304 pages
ISBN13: 9780273721529
ISBN10: 0273721526

About the Book
Brilliant HTML & CSS is a visual quick reference book that teaches all that you need to know to create clean, forward-looking, standards-compliant, accessible Web sites using HTML & CSS. It will give you a solid grounding on the theory, coding skills, and best practices needed to use HTML & CSS to build sophisticated web pages – a complete reference for the beginner and intermediate user.


Brilliant HTML and CSS provides beginning Web designers and developers with the necessary theory, coding skills, and best practices to create clean, forward-looking, standards-compliant, accessible Web sites. The text reinforces the important distinction between structure and presentation and emphasizes the proper application of HTML tags and CSS properties from the opening chapter. Part I focuses on structural development, while Part II addresses presentation topics, and Part III offers advice about common design and navigation problems and the rationale behind their solutions.

Upon finishing this book, a reader with no prior experience in Web design and development will be able to build sophisticated static pages. (An ideal companion to this book would be Brilliant JavaScript.) In keeping with the Brilliant series, the book uses a highly visual, task-based approach to achieve its objectives.

Brilliant Features
Detailed index and troubleshooting guide to help you find exactly what you need to know
Each task is presented on one or two pages
Numbered steps guide you through each task or problem
Numerous screenshots illustrate each step
“See Also …” boxes point you to related tasks and information in the book
“Did you know ?...” sections alert you to relevant expert tips, tricks and advice

Table of Contents

Part I: Building the Structure

Chapter 1: Introducing HTML (16 pp)


TASK: Getting Your Act Together

TASK: Understanding Tags

TASK: Understanding Attributes

TASK: Looking at the Basic Structure of a Web Page

TASK: Marking up HTML Comments

Chapter 2: Marking up Text (20 pp)


TASK: Marking up Paragraphs

TASK: Marking up Headings

TASK: Marking up Lists

TASK: Marking up Quotations

TASK: Marking up other Text Elements

TASK: Inserting Special Characters

TASK: Marking up Line Breaks

BOXOUT: Using Horizontal Rules

TASK: Applying Basic Formatting

Chapter 3: Marking up Links (16 pp)


TASK: Understanding URLs

TASK: Understanding Paths

BOXOUT: Specifying the Base URL

TASK: Understanding Targets

TASK: Marking up Text Links

TASK: Marking up Anchors

TASK: Linking to an Email Address

Chapter 4: Marking up Images (16 pp)


TASK: Understanding Web Image Formats

TASK: Optimizing Images for the Web

TASK: Marking up Image Elements

TASK: Marking up Image Links

TASK: Marking up Image Maps

Chapter 5: Marking up Tables (24 pp)


TASK: Understanding Table Components

TASK: Marking up Table Rows and Data Cells

TASK: Marking up Header Cells

TASK: Marking up Table Columns

TASK: Marking up Groups of Rows and Columns

TASK: Marking up Table Headers, Body, and Footers

TASK: Marking up the Table Caption

TASK: Marking up Column Spans and Row Spans

TASK: Using Table Attributes

Chapter 6: Marking up Forms (24 pp)


TASK: Understanding Form Components

TASK: Marking up Text Fields

TASK: Marking up Labels

TASK: Marking up Checkboxes

TASK: Marking up Radio Groups

TASK: Marking up File Fields

TASK: Marking up Buttons

TASK: Marking up Lists and Menus

TASK: Marking up Fieldsets and Fieldset Legends

Part II: Perfecting the Presentation

Chapter 7: Introducing CSS (18 pp)


TASK: Understanding Style Sheets

TASK: Understanding Style Selectors

TASK: Understanding CSS Properties and Values

TASK: Marking up CSS Comments

TASK: Marking up Divisions

TASK: Marking up Spans

Chapter 8: Formatting Elements (20 pp)


TASK: Setting the Font Face

BOXOUT: Using Web-safe Fonts

TASK: Setting the Font Style

TASK: Setting the Font Size

TASK: Setting the Font Weight

TASK: Setting the Text Decoration

Chapter 9: Colouring Elements (16 pp)


TASK: Understanding Colour

TASK: Defining Colours

BOXOUT: Using Web-safe Colours

TASK: Setting the Foreground Colour

TASK: Setting the Background Colour

Chapter 10: Defining Link States (16 pp)


TASK: Understanding Link States

TASK: Defining Unvisited Links

TASK: Defining Visited Links

TASK: Defining Active Links

TASK: Defining Hover Links

Chapter 11: Spacing, Bordering, and Sizing Elements (20 pp)


TASK: Setting the Line Height

TASK: Setting the Padding

TASK: Setting the Margin

TASK: Setting the Border

TASK: Setting the Width and Height

Chapter 12: Placing Elements (24 pp)


TASK: Aligning Elements

TASK: Floating Elements

TASK: Clearing Elements

TASK: Positioning Elements in Absolute Terms

TASK: Positioning Elements in Relative Terms

Part III: Designing the Site

Chapter 13: Organising the Site Structure (20 pp)


TASK: Understanding Site Structure

TASK: Building a Flat Structure

BOXOUT: Looking at Design Considerations of a Flat Structure

TASK: Building a Tiered Structure

BOXOUT: Looking at Design Considerations of a Tiered Structure

TASK: Providing a Way Back

Chapter 14: Laying out the Page (20 pp)


TASK: Understanding Layout

TASK: Arranging the Areas

TASK: Building a Fixed-width Layout

TASK: Building a Liquid Layout

Chapter 15: Designing Navigation (14 pp)


TASK: Understanding Navigation

TASK: Organising Navigation Choices

BOXOUT: Repeating the Main Navigation

TASK: Choosing the Text of an Inline Link

Chapter 16: Going Live (16 pp)


TASK: Preparing for Liftoff

TASK: Using Meta Tags

TASK: Testing the Site

TASK: Validating the Code

TASK: Uploading the Site

TASK: Maintaining the Site

Appendix A: HTML Tags

Appendix B: CSS Properties

Appendix C: Glossary

About the Author
James A. Brannan
is an iPhone developer in Gaithersburg, MD. He was a J2EE SOA type, but jumped ship and started working extensively with the iPhone, as it is so much fun. You can get information about him, including source code and videos that accompany his books at He also has a blog at that site that has tips and tutorials on it.


By: Shahen Gasparyan

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