Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pearson.Addison-Wesley.Java Foundations.2nd edition.2011

Book Details:
By: John Lewis, Virginia Tech
Peter DePasquale, College of New Jersey
Joseph Chase, Radford University

ISBN-10: 0132128810
ISBN-13: 9780132128810

Publisher: Addison-Wesley
Copyright: 2011
Format: Paper Bound w/CD-ROM; 912 pp
Published: 03/08/2010

About the Book

Inspired by the success of their best-selling introductory programming text, Java Software Solutions, authors Lewis, DePasquale, and Chase now release Java Foundations, Second Edition. This text is a comprehensive resource for instructors who want a two-or three-semester introduction to programming textbook that includes detail on data structures topics. Java Foundations introduces a Software Methodology early on and revisits it throughout to ensure students develop sound program development skills from the beginning. Control structures are covered before writing classes, providing a solid foundation of fundamental concepts and sophisticated topics.

Presents objects in a gradual, natural manner. Concepts that overlap with procedural programming, such as methods and their invocation, are discussed in terms of an object-oriented approach.

Loaded with fully implemented examples, intertwining small examples, and realistic larger examples that are easy to understand.

Offers complete chapter on Graphical User Interfaces that includes engaging graphical examples.

Exclusive coverage of software-testing and debugging effective practices.

Provides plenty of opportunity for practice with extensive end-of-chapter questions, exercises, and projects.

Source Code Files
Solutions Manual
Test Bank

New To This Edition

The following modifications have been made to improve the presentation of particular topics and the overall flow:
A stack is now used as the initial example of a collection so that the concept of a collection is more clearly established.
The discussion of Generics has been expanded and clarified.
The coverage of the Quick Sort and Merge Sort algorithms has been expanded.
The coverage of Analysis of Algorithms has been separated into its own chapter and expanded.
Material on Testing and Debugging has been incorporated into moreappropriate locations of the text.
The coverage of Search Trees and Heaps have been divided into separate chapters.
Two new chapters covering Hashing and Databases have been added.
End-of-chapter exercises and projects have been updated to reflect changes in the book.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Data and Expressions
3. Using Classes and Objects
4. Conditionals and Loops
5. Writing Classes
6. Graphical User Interfaces
7. Arrays
8. Inheritance
9. Polymorphism
10. Exceptions
11. Recursion
12. Analysis of Algorithms
13. Searching and Sorting
14. Stacks
15. Queues
16. Trees
17. Binary Search Trees
18. Heaps and Priority Queues
19. Graphs
20. Hashing
21. Databases

About the Authors

John Lewis is the co-author of the best-selling introductory Java programming book Java Software Solutions, as well as Java Software Structures, Programming with Alice and Java, and books for AP computer science. He teaches courses at both Virginia Tech and Radford University. He received his Ph.D. degree from Virginia Tech.

Peter DePasquale is an assistant professor of computer science at the College of New Jersey (TCNJ). He is the author of Addison-Wesley’s Java Backpack Reference Guide and Addison-Wesley’s C++ Backpack Reference Guide as well as Programming with Alice and Java.

Joe Chase is an associate professor of computer science at Radford University. He is the co-author of Java Software Structures and Java Software Structures for AP* Computer Science AB.

By Shahen Gasparyan

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